A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android


(the Windows version is the only one that have been tested. If you try on other support, consider that I'm not sure all will work perfectly fine, specially Mac and "exotic" exports. And if you've tried one of these "exotic" exports, please tell me in comments if it works properly or not, as I can't try these versions myself)

OSG is a short storytelling game made by one person. Designed in a few days during the end of July 2020, it responds to the statement of 7 different game-jams from this period. It is therefore proposed for each of them, given that its creation period is the common section July 24 to August 15, 2020:
Name of the Gamejam (theme and / or restrictions)

- Smile Game Builder Summer 2020 Game Jam (SGB made - Science - Love - Art - No fight)
- Summer Novel Festival (story-based game)
- Yaoi Game Jam 2020 (yaoi themed)
- Weekly Game Jam - Week 159 ('Café')
- I Can't Write But Want To Tell A Story (lost)
- The Fresh Game Jam (Anomaly)
- Climate Change: Trial & Error (Make a game about it!)

Yan is a teenager who lives with his two scientific parents. His boyfriend, Vince, lives in a religious environment. The year is around 2050: following various Climate Change catalysts and epidemics, humanity has taken up residence in underground cities. While Yan has gone to find coffee for his mother, and information to help Vince on a project to make, he remains ouside home, probably lost, when evening arrives. His father sets out to find him ...

Principles :
This game is designed with software, SGB, which offers graphics and a pre-programmed inferface system for creating 3D RPGs. OSG relies on the narrative side, in particular with many dialogues, something for which I have no ease as developer. This game presents the effects of climate change embedded in future everyday life. All the themes of the gamejams are highlighted in this short game. Artistically, only the musics are mine, The concept, the script and the development via SGB are also the fruit of my work. I hope you'll enjoy.

Important Note: I am French, and I designed this game in French. The English translation was done in a hurry at the end, and may therefore contain some mistakes. 



(La version Windows est la seule qui ait été testée. Si vous utilisez un export pour un autre support, sachez que je n'ai pas le matériel pour avoir vérifié le bon fonctionnement du jeu dans ces versions. Tout particulièrement la version Mac ou les exports plus "exotiques". Si vous avez testé l'un de ces exports, n'hésitez pas à me dire dans les commentaires s'il a fonctionné ou non, vu que je ne peux pas le tester moi-même)

OSG est un petit jeu narratif réalisé par une seule personne. Conçu en quelques jours durant la fin juillet 2020, il répond à l'énoncé de 7 game-jams différentes de cette période. Il est donc proposé pour chacune d'entre-elles, vu que sa période de création est le tronçon commun  24 juillet à 15 août 2020 :
Nom de la Gamejam (thème et/ou restrictions)

- Smile Game Builder Summer 2020 Game Jam (SGB made - Science - Love - Art - No fight)
- Summer Novel Festival (story-based game)
- Yaoi Game Jam 2020 (yaoi themed)
- Weekly Game Jam - Week 159 ('Café')
- I Can't Write But Want To Tell A Story (lost)
- The Fresh Game Jam (Anomaly)
- Climate Change: Trial & Error (Make a game about it!)

Scénario :
Yan est un adolescent qui vit avec ses deux parents scientifiques. Son petit copain, Vince, vit dans un milieu religieux. L'époque se situe aux environs de 2050 : suite à divers catalysmes et épidémies, l'humanité a élu domicile dans des villes souterraines. Alors que Yan est parti chercher du café pour sa mère, et des informations pour aider Vince sur un projet, il demeure introuvable lorsque le soir arrive. Son père se lance à sa recherche ...

Principes :
Ce jeu est conçu avec un logiciel, SGB, qui propose des graphismes et un système d'inferface pré-programmé pour la création de RPG en 3D. OSG mise sur le côté narratif, notamment via de nombreux dialogues, chose pour laquelle je n'ai aucune aisance en tant que développeur. Ce jeu présente les effets du changement climatique intégrés dans une vie future au quotidien. L'ensemble des thèmes des gamejams est mis en avant dans ce court jeu. Artistiquement, seules les musiques sont de moi. Le concept, le scénario et l'élaboration via SGB est aussi le fruit de mon travail. En espérant que vous passiez un bon moment. 

Précision importante : je suis français, et j'ai conçu ce jeu en français. La traduction en anglais s'est faite à la fin, et peut donc contenir de nombreuses erreurs.


PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, Android
Rated 3.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction
Tagsalexdor2021, atheism, coffee, covid, LGBT, lost, Low-poly, smile-game-builder, story-based-game, Yaoi
Average sessionAbout an hour
LanguagesEnglish, French
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


OurSecretGardenAndroid_english.zip 101 MB
OurSecretGardenLinux_english.zip 268 MB
OurSecretGardenMac_english.zip 90 MB
OurSecretGardenAndroid_french.zip 101 MB
OurSecretGardenWindows_french.zip 91 MB
OurSecretGardenWindows_english.zip 91 MB

Install instructions

Download the game in the language you want.
Unzip the file anywhere, open it and launch the OSG.exe file.
No installation.

Téléchargez le jeu dans la langue que vous préférez.
Dézippez l'archive n'importe où, ouvrez-la et lancer le fichier OSG.exe.
Aucune installation.

English : OurSecretGarden_english.zip (the first one)
Français : OurSecretGarden_french.zip (the second one)

Development log


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(1 edit)

Hello Yazorius, I'm AmalgamAsh. I hope you are well ^_^

I am hosting a new Smile Game Builder jam soon.

I would like to invite you to participate.

I hope you will take a look at the details of the jam, here!:


And if you can, I hope you'll join ^_^

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Best regards!

Ash (AmalgamAsh)

From Saturday Morning Game

I have finally revisited this game and finished its playthrough in its modern form on my channel ^_^
the video will be published tomorrow morning.  I enjoyed this experience, sobering and surreal as it was, and appreciate your work very much.  Thank you for your work on this.

Thank you very much for your interest in my game.
I hope you enjoyed this second version, with some English mistakes corrected, and some small bugs removed.
I have no doubt that this game remains flawed, but I really enjoyed making it.
So thanks again ^_^

The Linux build works just fine. I can't figure out how to go to the secret garden (or even get out of the house), but that's another issue... However, from what I've seen so far, the game looks really nice and interesting :)

Thank you for your comment ! In aim to get out the house, you need to succeed the mom' test, talk to Vince on the computer, talk to the dad and take the pot of coffee. I hope you'll find the secret garden soon ^_^ Thanks again to have let me know that the Linux version works !

Looks really nice, you've done an incredible work with this personal challenge... congrats!! 👏

This looks really interesting but I can't even get out of the first room lol.  I'm guessing it has something to do with the door but I tried pressing every button on my keyboard while looking at it and nothing worked.  do you have to use a controller?

Look at the picture in the parents bedroom ^^

Honey, I have been struggling absolutely in pain. In a deal of mental anguish. How do I get past the lava puzzle. Stream this on my channel today couldnt get past it.

(2 edits)

I'm sorry to read that. The lava puzzle is not very hard. The difficulty part is to consider taht you've well clicked but nothing tells you it's right (except when you have achieved the complete code). But it's nice to see that you've reached the lava puzzle. I just hope you've enjoyed this game.

Just clic (only one time) on the lights in this order :
- Bottom left
- Front left
- Front right
- Bottom right
- Bottom left
- Front right
(a message will tell you you've succeeded)

I've seen your video and before having the solution, you've tried other lamps : so your code was wrong, even if you've understood the code and its use. To reset, just go outside the room (there's a reset sound), and try again like you've done the first time ^^

Haha ok thank you. I was just very stressed last night about it. Thanks for your time

(1 edit)

Don't be so stressed. My game is a short gamejams project (7 gamejams at the same time, with very different themes and restrictions) : nothing very professionnal and well made I assume. As you've seen too, my english is terrible, and I'm sorry for this (for example, "barrier gestures" french are "prevent mesures" in correct english). I've looked the other games you're streaming and they are very different from my game : I'm not a graphic artist or a huge scenario maker (I don't even play VN games), but just a music composer/teacher (lol). I don't even know how to code, and OSG is my second try of the SmileGameBuilder engine. I hope you'll understand why my project is not as beautiful and well made as the others. 

Playing Live on Stream! VOD will be available afterwards! Come hang out I plan to give some feedback and some sportlight for your game! Twitch Link: https://www.twitch.tv/diggyholedwarf9

Thank you for testing my short game today. It was a good experience to see you playing it, showing the few good and lot of bad things I've made in this game ^^ So again, thank you for the streaming of OSG on Twitch !

My pleasure! I hope to try and overtime gather a bigger following which will in turn mean more people seeing your games and seeing what your capable and maybe create connections for you that you can use to grow even more. My goal with my channel is to create a platform taht promotes your projects and I give you some personal ideas and feedback along the way. Thank you so much for joining me on stream earlier today! Let me know if you make anything else that you would like me to show on stream. Keep up Yazorius you make a very intersting game!